
Center for Youth and Family!

Centre for youth and family

You can find a youth and family centre in almost every municipality. You can go there when things are not going well between youth and family. Whether it is because your child has a disability or you have a new partner, for example. We offer partners for youth and partners for parents for every situation.

The emergence

The centre for youth and family was developed by André Rouvoet. It took some time before this concept was well visited. In 2011, research has shown that parents rarely take their children to a CJG. This was because the parents often already went to other institutions.
They did not see the added value of a CJG. Fortunately, the centre has now found its place in society.

What does the centre for youth and family do?

The Youth and Family Centre (CJG) helps to restore the bond between parents and children. This varies from too much gaming to eating problems. But also social anxieties or limitations can slow down the development of youth and family. For this purpose there are special partners for youth. They focus mainly on the child or young adult. Also if you are a youth and you are looking for help or advice with problems you don't dare to discuss with your parents you can approach the CJG in your neighbourhood.

Why you choose CJG

The Centre for Youth and Family offers a total solution for the development of youth and families. Partners of the youth, for example a good friend, can also be involved in the process. Often you have more support or less shame from that good friend. Even if you prefer to come alone, we have so-called partners for youth. These are social workers who often have experience in the process and can offer you a listening ear.

Youth and family

There is always friction between youth and family. But when is it too much and when does it become untenable. The centre for youth and family helps families to find partners for youth and parents. Through years of experience and the ever changing times, it is often difficult for parents to draw a clear line. When all classmates are allowed to play computer games for 4 hours a day, you can no longer explain to your child that this is not allowed. The CJG helps to find a middle ground or other solution. You do not have to feel ashamed to ask for help. CJG is there for youth and family.

Who is the centre for youth and family?

The centre is there for everyone between 4 - 23 years. We also offer help to parents who have problems with the upbringing of their children. When you are not a strong person, parenting can be difficult.
So it is not something to be ashamed of. For young people between 4 and 23 years we have created Partners for Youth. They also offer a listening ear for things you do not dare to tell your parents.

Partners for youth

Partners for youth within the centre for youth and family come in various forms. They have social workers but also psychologists. You can also get involved with an expert by experience. This is someone who has experience in his own family with various problems. We call this an expert for youth and family. Also when you are looking for a listening ear for special youth problems outside the home the partners can help you.


CJG is there for every parent, child or partner of the family. We also have partners for youth who offer a listening ear without the parents. Often young people and young adults feel ashamed and bad about the situation at home. With the parents present they often do not dare to show this and prefer to do this with a confidant.

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